Spatial Theater #4 - Photon Power
空間劇場 #4 - 光電能量

Site-Specific Installation
LED, Moving Light, Solar Panel, Electronic devices, Speaker
60m (W) x 100m (D) x 10m (H)

crew : YAO Chung-Han / 姚仲涵、TSENG Jui-Pin / 曾睿彬、Peng Ying-Ying / 彭瑩瑩
Solar-powered interactive coding : WANG Hsin-Chih / 王薪誌
special thanks : CHANG Tung-Sheng / 張東勝、CHO Ling-Chieh / 卓翎絜、GUO Jing-Hong / 郭敬宏、TSENG Chia-Min / 曾佳敏、HUANG Xiang-Yun / 黃湘芸、HUANG Yii / 黃洢、SU Yueh-Hua / 蘇月華
Drone photography : Loudly Lightning Studio / 大聲光電
photo : HUANG Wei-Cheng / 黃暐程


從台電的「邁向淨零轉型關鍵7解方」中,我們提取了「風力發電」、「太陽光電」、「地熱發電」、「海洋能」和「儲能」等關鍵詞,將它們融入作品的概念中。 透過模擬風、地熱和海洋的元素,我們試圖以光影、聲音和氛圍表現這些能源形式的美感和特質。這個作品勾勒出一個擁抱綠色能源的未來,彰顯人與能源的共生關係。

The piece is a convergence of architecture and lighting, with green energy as its central theme. At its core, the performance invites the audience to participate by using the LED lights on their phones as a medium, contributing energy collectively to ultimately illuminate a spectacular sound and light show on the building.
Drawing inspiration from Taiwan Power Company's "7 Key Solutions to Achieving Net-Zero Transformation," we incorporated key concepts such as "wind power," "solar energy," "geothermal energy," "ocean energy," and "energy storage" into the design of the piece. By simulating elements of wind, geothermal, and ocean forces, we aim to express the beauty and characteristics of these energy forms through light, sound, and atmosphere. This work envisions a future that embraces green energy, highlighting the symbiotic relationship between humans and energy.

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