Kick#2 - Copper
Kick#2 - 銅

Electromagnet, Copper, Electronic devices

300cm (W) x 25cm (D) x 12cm (H)

crew : TSENG Jui-Pin / 曾睿彬
Photo : HUANG Wei-Cheng / 黃暐程

《Kick#2 - 銅》是一個薄銅片與電磁鐵結合的裝置,利用電磁鐵的控制使銅片晃動產生聲響,銅片震動的聲音非常大聲,也會因為各種電磁鐵震動力道的不同,而會發出不同的聲音,長型的作品尺度中,以對稱的方式分別使用了四個、三個與一個電磁鐵,企圖在不同的結構安排當中,產生不同型態的運動方式。

"Kick#2 - Copper" is an installation that combines thin copper sheets with electromagnets. By controlling the electromagnets, the copper sheets are made to shake and produce sound. The vibrations of the copper sheets are very loud, and different sound qualities emerge depending on the varying strengths of the electromagnets' vibrations. In this elongated piece, the electromagnets are arranged symmetrically with four, three, and one electromagnet, respectively, in an attempt to create different types of movement through various structural arrangements.

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